Switzerland or France? スイス、それともフランス?

The conversation with my mother about Henri-Philippe Gares's mother was so funny, so I will share it with you! 

Me "So Henri's mother is Swiss and she lives in Switzerland, and she speaks French." 
Mother "Ok, so she is French." 


Me "No, she is Swiss, but she speaks French."
Mother "Why she speaks French in Switzerland, if she speaks French, she is French, right?I do not understand." 


Me "Well, in Switzerland, many people speak multiple languages and there are multiple languages on Driver's license and many other documents."
Mother "Why don't they just speak Swiss language?"


Me "I have no idea why things like than in Switzerland, but it seems working well over there. And Henri's mother is Swiss who speaks French."
Mother "Ok, so she speaks French, wow, it's so cool!"


Some people ask me that I must have some international family background, however, my parents are really nothing to do international at all. No passport, No English, no travel experience abroad until my marriage in USA. 

たまに、「国際的なご両親から育てられたから、そんなに国際的になったんでしょう。」と聞かれる事がありますが、うちの両親は国際経験全くのゼロの家庭でした。 パスポートなし、英語ゼロ、私がアメリカで結婚するまでは海外旅行経験もなしです。

However, my parents have extraordinary policy and always told me, 
"Daughter, we are we and you are you, just because you are our daughter does not mean you need to do exactly what we say or do. You have your own life and it is nothing to do with our lives. So please do not follow us, follow your heart and do what you really want to do."


Thanks to my parents' trust, support, and freedom while I am always following my heart, I could really explorer my interest and willingness. 
Nevertheless of my parents' zero international experience and foreign language ability, I created my own way. Still now creating..... 


They are not great teachers, but they are great coaches who showed me the way I really want to go in my life. 
And life coaching is exactly the way to show for children to live their own lives. 


国際恋愛・結婚 ブログランキングへ