【Gratitude Baton 】~感謝のバトン~ 3rd Day~ 3日目~

I state 3 gratitudes per day for 5 days (total 15 gratitudes).
After 5 days, I will give this baton for 3 people.


⑦My name

I am so grateful for my name especially when I am abroad. It's easy enough to pronounce for many other countries' people, and easier to remember than many other Japanese names. 
For English speaking people, my name is similar to "Miami, My mommy, Naomi" etc...
For French speaking people, my name is similar to "Mon ami (My friend)". 
They say "Mon ami Manami" and they remember me very well. 
I do not think my parents named me based on the future international experience. Nevertheless, it's working very well in the world, so I am grateful for my name. My name in kanji means "真(Ma)” = True, Real "波(Nami) = Ocean wave, Vibration. Good name for spiritual path as "True Vibration" or the surfer as "Real Ocean Waves". 
(However, my brother's name "Ryotaro" is almost impossible to remember for many people at once, and very difficult to say correct pronunciation in Japanese because of "Ryo" sound is unique.)



⑧Carribean Experience

Since I have met Henri-Philippe Gares, I did not know the existence of the Curacao, Island. My knowledge and awareness of the Carribean Islands were close to none. Thanks to Henri, my world has expanded broadly. 
Many Carribean Islands are colony of many different European countries like Spain, England, Dutch, France, etc... and US. Of course some of them are totally independent like Jamaica, Dominican Republic etc... 
So Carribean Islands are mixed culture of the world, different currency, different language, different nationalities.... all in one Carribean. 
It is very fascinating for me! 
I am grateful that I am having a real Carribean experience.




My environment in Japan where I grew up had zero English. Both my parents have never been to abroad with zero ability of English. I have never traveled abroad with my parents (no passport until 20 years old), and I did not have any chance to learn real English except I had a pen friend in Bengium since I was in high school. We wrote letters every other month or so, of many many years. (Recently I found her on Facebook, so now we are Facebook friends!) 
Nevertheless, my parents gave me very good lesson to me for inspiring whatever I want to do. They told me, 
"Manami, we are not perfect at all, and we are different from you. You do not need to learn from us because we live different generation. We die much faster than you, so you need to learn from professional you respect. And you really do not need to follow us anything because we are living our lives, you are living your own life. Your life is full of your interest and decisions. So if you decide to learn English, do not think of us at all. Do not think that because we do not speak English, you have less chance to learn. That's not true at all. In your life, you can do whatever you like, no one can stop you but you. So if you like anything, go for it at your own risk, we just believe you can do whatever you want to do because it your life, not ours."

So I always truly believed that I can do whatever I want to do, and that is nothing to do with past, parents, or anything. 
And this became absolutely true for me, and I am grateful to have opportunity to learn languages to communicate with so many people in the world!



